Thursday, 27 September 2018

Introducing Servlet 4.0 Server Push

Posted by Naveen Katiyar On 06:32 No comments
In this article, We would be talking about Server Push Technology which was actually part of HTTP/2 spec. Most important feature of Servlet 4.0 due to HTTP/2 is the implementation of the server push capability. The concept behind this technique is that if the client/browser requests a certain resource, the server assumes in advance, that some other related resources also may be requested  soon. Because of this assumption,...

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Introducing Spring Webflux

Posted by Naveen Katiyar On 06:21 1 comment
In this article we are going to discuss on different choices which are provided by Spring 5 for Reactive and Async Concurrency model.I quite strongly believe, before we embrace something new, we should be aware of the differences between choices and how it connects to what we have been already doing. In my previous articles on this topic, I have tried to explain what we already have regarding concurrency model and how concurrency...

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Servlet 3.1/Spring MVC Non Blocking IO

Posted by Naveen Katiyar On 11:03 3 comments
Servlet 3.0 was released as part of Java EE 6 and made huge changes focused at ease-of-use.The idea was to leverage the latest language features such as annotations and generics and modernize how Servlets can be written.One of the major change was Async Servlets. The web.xml was also made as optional as possible. Servlet 3.1 released as part of Java EE 7, was an incremental release focusing on couple of key features including Non-blocking IO. Non-blocking I/O - Servlet 3.0 (Async...

Server to Servlet/Spring - Servlet Async

Posted by Naveen Katiyar On 06:09 No comments
Server to Servlet/Spring and vice versa(Async Support) In previous article, we discussed how Servlet Containers has evolved and turned communication between Client to Server into non-blocking paradigm. In this article we would be focusing on the evolution of Java Servlets(and hence Spring) towards non blocking reactive world. Let’s recall the flow of request when received by NIO connector: Few threads (1-4 depending...