Purpose of this blog series is to take readers through the journey of java servlet and hence Spring from thread per request model to single thread model in Spring Reactive(Spring Webflux to be more precise).
When We talk about a Servlet/Spring application, flow of data takes place in below two phases:
i) Client(e.g browser) to ServletContainer(e.g. Tomcat) and viceversa
ii)ServletContainer to Servlet/Spring and viceversa.
Client to Server Communication
In HTTP 1.1, all connections between the browser and the server are considered persistent unless declared otherwise. Persistence, in this context, means to use a single TCP connection to send and receive multiple HTTP requests/responses, as opposed to opening a new connection for every single request/response pair.
Until Tomcat 6 which is implementation of JAVA EE 5(and Hence servlet 2.5), the default HTTP connector is asynchronous blocking and follows a one thread per connection model. This means that in order to serve 100 concurrent users, it requires 100 active threads. We end up wasting resources (the thread) because connections may not be used heavily, but just enough to avoid a timeout.
In order to configure tomcat to use the Non-blocking NIO connector instead of the default asynchronous blocking BIO one simply change the value of the protocol attribute of the connector tag in the server.xml from HTTP/1.1 to org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol
One Thread Per Connection Model
Opposed to this is the relatively new NIO or non blocking connector(Based on J2SE 1.4). This connector has a couple of poller threads(usually depends upon number of cores) used to keep the connection alive for all connected users while worker threads are called whenever data (a new HTTP request) is available. Threads can be allocated to connections only when requests are being processed. When a connection is idle between requests, the thread can be recycled, and the connection is placed in a centralized NIO select set to detect new requests without consuming a separate thread. This model, called thread per request, potentially allows Web servers to handle a growing number of user connections with a fixed number of threads. This model leads to a much better sharing of resources (threads) and a larger number of concurrent users can be served from the same server.Java NIO API can be referenced for better understanding of Channel,Selectors and related stuffs.
From Tomcat 8.x, NIO is the default connector and BIO support is dropped altogether from 8.5x.
NIO implementation(One Thread Per Request)
So, with the introduction of NIO connector, client to Server communication was non-blocking but server to servlet connection was still blocking which effectively meant that a thread would be blocked for every request leading to One Thread per Request Model.So as Servlet containers have evolved, need was felt for non-blocking support in Servlet API. Let's explain this with below table.
Blocking connector
Non Blocking Connector
| |
Tomcat Version
3.x 4.x 5.x 6.x
6.x 7.x 8.x
Read Http Request
Non Blocking
Read Http Body
Simulated Blocking
Write Http Response
Simulated Blocking
In above table, I wrote Simulated Blocking for NIO connectors, this means a blocking api( Server to Servlet and vice versa) wrapped around the underlying non-blocking nio api(browser to server and vice versa).
In next article we would be focusing on Server to Servlet/Spring communication. Stay tuned!
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